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VIP Club

Here are some random Habbos that are "VIP Members" of HighRise because they bought VIP. In our eyes, they're considered to be BZ supporters. Being a VIP member doesn't only give you great benefits but it also helps us pay the server fees to run the hotel. How much does VIP cost you may ask? Well it costs nothing more than a Big Mac meal from McDonald$, only £5.50 or $6.97. Click here to purchase VIP.

- The glorious VIP Badge.
- Lifetime Membership.
- My Wardrobe (save up to 21 outfits on site).
- The "VIP Shop" which has unreleased rares. (in catalogue). Preview
- :push x and :pull x command.
- :mimic x (copy users look) command.
- 1,000c welcome gift.
- VIP Club role on Discord.
- RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
- Daily 150c login bonus.
- You will be displayed on this page. :)

User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 24-01-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 29-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 25-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 01-05-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 08-01-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 01-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 28-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 15-02-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 23-02-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 02-12-2023
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 08-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 01-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 24-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 15-11-2023
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 27-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 29-03-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 04-08-2023
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 17-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 03-05-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 10-04-2024
User DiscUser ImageVIP Badge
Last Online: 30-08-2023
Habbos in the hotel:
Check in! It's free!


Habbos in rooms: 0

All public spaces and guest rooms are currently empty.

Top 3 Guest rooms:

Hangout � [Under Construction] - 8 likes
simple and weird ristorant - 6 likes
Box - 5 likes

Hotel view: 1



Please take a moment to vote for us, this will help us to increase our user base and continue growing. Thank you for your support!


#88 Endor Smoke Machine
"Caution! Unknown Location!"

Offsale: 29th April
Price: 360c

Check-In Problems?

Shockwave was discontinued due to its age, the only way online:

How To Get Started:


HighRise Loader

- Load HabboBZ.exe
- Create your Habbo Character, name & password

If you still need help look at our full help page on how to get online to play Habbo: Help Getting Online


Become a VIP member!

Did you know that?
Buying VIP
helps keep the hotel up and running! :)

🎁 Benefits 🎁
- VIP Shop. Preview
- My Wardrobe (save outfits).
- :push and :pull command.
- :mimic (copy users look) command.
- 1,000c welcome gift.
- RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
- Daily 150c login bonus.
- VIP Badge.
- Lifetime Membership.

💰 How To Buy? 💲
Click here to buy VIP.

Buy HC