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HabboHood Happenings

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📌 Pinned Newsie

Desktop Application! 24/08/2021
Kritz, Owner

Exciting news Habbos!
Thanks to MOD-Joe we now have a Desktop Application for HighRise - now you can play with no problems! At HighRise we have a Windows Desktop Application made for people that don't need to deal with going through complicated steps to get on the hotel. Our application has pre-installed Shockwave and with this option you do NOT need to download Shockwave or a Browser. Click here for more details.

Username #1 Game Room Name #1 Date & Time #1 Prize #1
Username #2 Game Room Name #2 Date & Time #2 Prize #2
Username #3 Game Room Name #3 Date & Time #3 Prize #3
Username #4 Game Room Name #4 Date & Time #4 Prize #4
Username #5Game Room Name #5Date & Time #5Prize #5
Username #6 Game Room Name #6 Date & Time #6 Prize #6
Username #7 Game Room Name #7 Date & Time #7 Prize #7
Username #8 Game Room Name #8 Date & Time #8 Prize #8

Habbos in the hotel:
Check in! It's free!


Habbos in rooms: 0

All public spaces and guest rooms are currently empty.

Top 3 Guest rooms:

Hangout � [Under Construction] - 8 likes
simple and weird ristorant - 6 likes
Box - 5 likes

Hotel view: 1



Please take a moment to vote for us, this will help us to increase our user base and continue growing. Thank you for your support!


#88 Endor Smoke Machine
"Caution! Unknown Location!"

Offsale: 29th April
Price: 360c

Check-In Problems?

Shockwave was discontinued due to its age, the only way online:

How To Get Started:


HighRise Loader

- Load HabboBZ.exe
- Create your Habbo Character, name & password

If you still need help look at our full help page on how to get online to play Habbo: Help Getting Online


Become a VIP member!

Did you know that?
Buying VIP
helps keep the hotel up and running! :)

🎁 Benefits 🎁
- VIP Shop. Preview
- My Wardrobe (save outfits).
- :push and :pull command.
- :mimic (copy users look) command.
- 1,000c welcome gift.
- RARE Teal Dragon Lamp.
- Daily 150c login bonus.
- VIP Badge.
- Lifetime Membership.

💰 How To Buy? 💲
Click here to buy VIP.

Buy HC